We finally have a date when we can commence a return to work. From 8th June, we will be re-commencing clinical work. Please note however that this will not be a full return to routine work, but rather a staged return based on the conditions and the prevailing advice.

The first week will consist of doing our level best to ‘mop up’ the various problems that our patients have inevitably developed such as toothache, broken teeth etc. This is a cautious opportunity to test our systems, and ensure we maintain our usual high standards. Your usual dentist will be in touch to arrange an appointment to undertake this.

Please note that it will be a very changed approach. Below is a description of the patient journey through the practice well as detail on checking your health status and how we will ask for fees where due.

We will also use the remaining clinical time in June to begin more routine work, but this regrettably will not include hygienist visits since we need to be absolutely sure to everyone the systems are working and this might overload our plans.

We are in the later stages of planning how we can re-introduce hygienist visits and we will begin re-booking these when we can (we hope in July). Again, there will be significant changes when this service re-starts.

We obviously hope that it will not be long before we can all return to a normal service, and we can begin to put this crisis behind us. We thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we have been unable to offer our usual level of care.

Kindest regards,
Guy, Alex, Craig, Simon and Glenn